Thank You!
The Staunton Augusta Art Center wishes to extend our most gratitude to each of you who contributed in 2024. Thank you for being in partnership with our organization as we continuously seek to advocate for the arts and provide meaningful experiences for all.
We hope you will continue to support us in 2025 as we expand our outreach and programming access.
Brigitte Cowan
The Houff Charitable Foundation
Chris Little
The Proteus Foundation
Augusta Health Foundation
City of Staunton
Community Foundation of the
Central Blue Ridge
Janet Doerr
Tommie and Bob Duke
Robert Jochen and Chris Smith
The MDC Foundation
Virginia Commission for the Arts
Amanda Avery
The Depot Grille
Carter Hunter Hopkins
Pam and Jim Huggins
James River Realty
Amy Laser Kiger
Susan and Jim Radlinski
Mary Jane Swanson
Carol Turrentine and Jonathan Kern
The Yelping Dog
ALBOG Giving Circle
Anonymous Donor
Berman Family Fund
Mark Borzelleca
Chicano Boy
Design by Nine
Didawick & Co.
Fetzer Institute
Kelly and John Grantier
Lynn and Stan Grimm
Robert and Barbara Henkel
Karen and John Hudson
Marions Candles Scents & Seasons
Cheri and Phil Moran
Mountain Valley Tower Service
Sue and Pat Peason
Pleasant View Developers
Celia and Jim Rutt
Carol and Buffy Shapiro
Barb and Dave Shue
Anthea Smith and Doug Tuggle
Staunton Clayground
Dennis Ward
Connie and Hugh Westfall
Peggy and Scott Ballin
Bob Boisture and Mary Margaret Pipkin
Kay Burnett
The By & By
Pam Robbins and Ray Cubbage
Diane and Tom Fechtel
Suzanne Fisher
Habitat for Humanity
Karen and Bill Hanna
Jim Lott
Carolyn Maloney
Liz and John McCue
Janet and Russell Parrish
Julie and Steve Plumbley
Rockingham Fine Arts Assocation
Liz and Bob Shcreiber
Jerry Lynn and Roller Shipplett
Thomas Interiors
The Yelping Dog
Hal Aaslestad
Jamie Agins
Stuart Allen IMO Clarice Allen
Margaret Armstrong
Lee Beam
Kathy Belcher
Rish and Ron Capps
Rick Chittum
Ralph and Judy Cohen
Lucinda Cooke
Frazier Associates
Peyton Hamrick
Harriet Hanger
Anne Hanger and Robert Craycroft
Carolyn Harvick
Janne and Daniel Heifetz
Sarah Nair James
Knopp Enterprises
Jan and Dave Mangun
Jane and Preston Manning
Doris Martin
David and Rebecca McGovern
Ellen and Lundy Pentz
Ann Pontius and Michael Stahl
Asterie and Gene Provenzo
Lynn Rainville
Susan Crave Rosen
Jeanne and Daniel Swift
Mary and Wayt Timberlake
Michael Tusing
Dottie and Ty Tysinger
Paul and Krista Welder
Walter Wilson
Sharon and Scott Wilson
Beth Young
Up to $99
Joelle and Peter Aaslestad
Don Albright
Tom Arbaugh and Larry Harrell
Ruth and Lou Arnold
Margie and Gordon Barlow
Mary Barnes
Lance Barton
Liz Beavers and Karen Andersen
Clair Bell
Mary Anne Bennett
Tracy Booth
Cynthia Boteler
Gloria Brandt
Tracey Bredder
Rachel Brown
Rachel Burchfield
Cass Cannon
Sandra Carter
Sara Christopherson
Pat and Jim Coffey
Patricia Collins
Faye Cooper
Tim Cox and Wendy Turley
Carolyn Dahl
Christy Davis
Patricia Devitt
Barbara Deyerle
Sharon and Bob Driscoll
Patricia Elliott
Phillip Feld
Dana Flanders
Flutes of the Shenandoah Valley
Dolly Frazier
Kazuko Fuller
Kathleen Glass
Gail Harwood Goodrich
Darlene Green
Gail Haile
Jane Hamrick
Gail and Jay Hanger
Evy Harman
Jill Hennelly
Linda and Howard Holden
Barbara Coyle Holt
Brigitte Huson
Susie and Otis Huston
Liz Karaffa
Diane Kent
Jill and Phil Kimbrough
Sylvia and Joe Lackey
Georganne Ludt
Don Lum
Charles Marshall
Pam and John Mathews
Sue McKown
Sandra McNeill
Debbie and Dave Metz
Susan Micklem
Carol Morency
Cleveland Morris
Sharon Morris
Judy Mosedale and Brandon Collins
Kathy and Chris Myers
Karen Neale
Dottie Nelson
Margie Obenschain
Deborah O'Keeffe
Deborah Patton
Ivan Pesic
Barbara Phillips
Leonard Pittman
Ann Pontius and Michael Stahl
Beverley Rakes
Grace Rice
Emma Roten
Rachel Salatin
Bruce Schmid and Susan Boyd
Louise Scott
Karen Shapcott
Kay Shirey
Robyn and Brandan Sommerfield
Cindy and Mike Sorge
Joyce Standish
Renee Staton and Steven Grande
Lynn and Kevin Stockdale
Mae Stoll
Misa and Robert Stuart
Joan Swift
Cindy and David Swope
Anneli Tattersall
Katherine Turner
Isabel Valenzuela and Vera Hailey
David Vess
Mary Welliver
Barbara Whipple and Paul Kazarov
Jodie Widelitz
Nancy Street Williams
Anne Wilson
Jane and Ray Wright
Extraordinary Donated Time & Talent
The SAAC Board of Trustees
Smith Center Reception Desk Volunteers
Art for Gifts, Art on the Town and Art in the Park Volunteers
Curator and Gallery Volunteers:
Gail Hanger, Jay Hanger, Harry Hogshead, Joy Hogshead, Karen Shapcott, Liz DeVenney, Kathy Belcher, Christopher Smith, Bob Norvell , and our Curator Extraordinaire Anthea Smith